Automatic installation

The following procedure will prepare environment in VirtualBox configured with port forwarding and shared folders automatically using Vagrant tool. It's appropriate for testing and or development installation on local workstation.

Vagrant tool and Virtualbox is required for installing Repository from source codes. Tested on Vagrant (1.9.6 and 2.0.3) and VirtualBox (5.1.30 and 5.2.8).

External registration is needed with West-Life SSO and ARIA for integrating single sign on and project proposal import. Follow prerequisites at Prerequisites.

Execute following in your command line:

git clone
cd wp6-repository
# (optionally unzip sp files from westlife sso and clientIds from ARIA) 
# unzip
vagrant up

After successful finish. The VM is prepared, the port 8080 is automatically forwarded to VM's port 80. To connect to VM using SSH

vagrant ssh

The backend DB is using randomly generated access credentials at /etc/westlife/repository.key

You may source this file by using source /etc/westlife/repository.key

You may restart the backend service by service westlife-repository restart

Last updated