
External registration is needed with West-Life SSO and ARIA for integrating single sign on and project proposal import. It allows to login into Visiting Scientist space and allows import project proposals from Instruct's database at

Demo registration package can be provided upon request.

In order to integrate with West-Life SSO, you need your sp-metadata,idp-metadata,sp_keyandsp_cert files.

If you have it from previous installation, then put it next to the VagrantFile - these will be reused.

If you don't have, Edit the file and change values of variables to your hostname and registered identification:

SP_IDENTIFICATION=http://[your public domain of repository]

SP_ENDPOINT=http://[your public domain of repository]/mellon

After first vagrant up or, find the generated file sp-metadata.xml and register it with West-Life SSO - send it to

In order to have working ARIA integration, you need your URL of repository registered with Instruct. If you have it from previous installation, place clientIds.php next to the VagrantFile - this will be reused. Otherwise send a request for client_id and client_secret for the URL in the form http://[your public domain of repository]/repository to You can continue with installation vagrant up. When you receive client\_id and client\_secret, create frontend/ariademo/clientIds.php.

// Unique client ID that lets ARIA know where your request is coming from
$client_id = 'xxx';
// keep this one on the server for security (used for generating access tokens)
$client_secret = 'yyy';

Last updated