Frontend - Web Application

The source codes of frontend components are at

Following Chapter 6. Section 1. Step 4. the sources will be in /vagrant/west-life-wp6/wp6-virtualfolder/www

Frontend application is based on HTML (5) and Javascript (Ecmascript version 6) uses aurelia framework to

  • handle http communication

  • bundle component into vendor-bundle.js and app-bundle.js and transpile it to ES5 - compatible Javascript implementation in most web browsers in the year 2017.

  • maintain source code and use best practices/patterns to compose/configure the parts together

To use/integrate the components see [[Embedding components guide]]

To develop/maintain the components, the following procedure is recommended:

  1. restore npm modules

    npm install
  2. install aurelia-cli - globally

    sudo npm install aurelia-cli -g
  3. run au run --watch, if some dependencies are not met - install the module using npm install <module-name>

Adding static content

To add static content into West-life VF web UI, commit it to directory wp6-virtualfolder/www. Apache server on the portal and on custom VM is by default configured with SSI (Server Side Include) module. The header.html and footer.html can be included into other html. To add new HTML page:

  • add your.html and all relevant content (JS,CSS) into wp6-virtualfolder/www and it's subdirectories:

  • edit your.html and

    include w3.css styles and other relevant styles and scripts

    <!--#include file="heads.html" -->

    include header of the pages shared among all of them, add this line up to the html content of your.html:

    <!--#include file="header.html" -->

(Optionaly) include footer, add this line bottom to the html content of your.html:

<!--#include file="footer.html" -->
  • edit header.html to contain link into your new page.

    add e.g. following row into desirable place of the menu

    <a href="your.html">Your Service</a></li>


  • List of configured providers - component aliastable

  • Configure new provider - component genericcontrol - lists available providers

  • Three providers supported - FileSystem(mounted folder),Dropbox(Oauth or securetoken),B2Drop(username password), the same for backend web service

  • After adding - the list of configured providers is updated

  • If returned from dropbox auth url - the url contains access_token - reopens the dropbox add dialog with securetoken readonly.

  • can add multiple instances of same provider: Dropbox (dropbox_1, dropbox_2) ...

  • cannot add multiple instances of these providers: B2Drop, it is manageable by modifying shell scripts


  • Two panels

  • List of files and directories

    • first level - list of aliases - virtual folders leading to the providers

    • second level - list of files under the root of the file provider, ...

  • Click on directory

    • go into directory

    • go up (if directory is ..)

  • Click on file

    • PDB file, triggers action to view the pdb file on the opposite panel

    • on (non-webdav provider) (Dropbox), the file is downloaded first to virtual folder server -

      HTTP 302 redirect is returned to webdav pointing to the location of the file on the virtual folder server.

    • if such file is clicked again in future - local copy on virtual folder server is viewed

    • issue if the file is changed on Dropbox provider.

    • on (webdav provider) (B2DROP), the file is processed by davfs - cached locally, cache is updated if the file is changed on B2DROP


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