Integration with SSO
By default, VF works in single user environment as user 'vagrant'. To enable multiuser environment, you need to integrate it with West-Life SSO. VF instance have unique sp-metadata,idp-metadata,sp_key
If you have it from previous installation, then put it next to the VagrantFile, or put them into virtual machine/container folder
and exectue this script in bash within VF machine or container:If you don't have keys and certificates yet, then execute this script in bash within VF machine or container:
Find the generated file
and register it with West-Life SSO administrator - send it to
Note that
export SP_IDENTIFICATION=http://[your public domain of repository]
defines id of service provider - your instance of virtual folder, so to be unique put your public domain, e.g.
export SP_ENDPOINT=http://[your public domain of repository]/mellon
defines endpoint where mellon plugin is available in VF installation, e.g.
just sets trigger for further script
configures VF with SSO, installs mellon plugin into apache, configures aliases, if the keys are not present in /vagrant/sp_key.pem
then the keys are generated based on SP_IDENTIFICATION and SP_ENDPOINT, and puts generated keys into expected folders into /etc/...
Last updated