Local installation

It's possible to test the virtual folder locally, there are these options:

  1. (requirements VirtualBox).

    Download the VM template for Open Nebula and import it into your private instance of VirtualBox.

  2. (requirements VirtualBox + Vagrant tool)

Using VM template for OpenNebula

Download the latest West-life VM in the OVA compatible format from


Import the downloaded image into VirtualBox.

Using Vagrant tool and VirtualBox

You need Vagrant tool www.vagrantup.com and VirtualBox www.virtualbox.org. And use binary installation based on CernVM4 OS.

git clone https://github.com/h2020-westlife-eu/wp6-vm.git
cd wp6-vm/vf-standalone-bin/
vagrant up

For full options available for local installation, see Virtual Machines

Last updated